We all have questions, but the majority of us have no space to discuss and explore those questions. We believe that questions are good, its a natural process to establish and build trust. Just like God, we aren’t scared of your questions; in fact we believe that God longs for us to share with Him the questions that plague our mind and soul. Our goal is to create a safe space to ask and process life’s biggest questions. Groups is designed to be an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgement or pressure. We welcome your thoughts and questions (yes, even if you don’t agree) as we explore these themes without the pressured atmosphere that usually comes with these conversations. Our prayer is that you will join us for a group this next semester and come and see what life could be like.

Group Nights

Groups are starting

Fall 2024

Sign up below to start a JRNY towards real community

How do I get involved?

Great question, there are 3 ways to get involved!

Community Nights

Conference Nights

Group Nights